• For energy efficient lighting especially in corridors and smaller offices.
Architectural specifications
Y3E clear acrylic
In a nominal 300mm x 1200mm with one 28 watt T5 lamp centered in the luminaire
with the lamp centre 70mm above the bottom of the lens, minimum luminaire efficiency
is 83%.
3.5mm lenses are 3.2mm – 3.6mm thick with prestressed arch to span up to 305mm
x 1220mm.Standard Sizes
310mm x 1600mm
310mm x 1220mm
Acrylic material used in Y3E
The acrylic used in Y3E prismatic lighting is 100% high molecular weight polymethyl
methacrylate (PMMA) virgin material meeting grade requirements as set forth in
table 2 of ASTM D-788-69a. It exceeds IES-NEMA-SPI standards for acrylic material
by 100%. Under normal conditions these lenses will perform staisfactorily for
20 years.